New Haven, Denver, McLean & Greensboro

366These are just a few of the places that the GO PUBLIC film has screened or will screen: Connecticut, California, Colorado, Virginia, Iowa, Illinois, North Carolina, New York.  The GO PUBLIC film is resonating with communities across the U.S.  The next screening is in Greensboro, North Carolina on April 14th.

The response to the GO PUBLIC Project has been tremendous and we think the reason is simple.  The film provides an authentic, honest window into the world of public education today.  It doesn’t preach or drive home a political message, it just takes the viewer on an all day journey that allows them to be immersed in one day in the life of those living the public school experience in a very socio-economically diverse school district.  It replaces fear with fact and perception with reality.

“There’s no narrative or commentary. Snippets of the school day speak for themselves. Teachers, classified employees, students, administrators and parents are nameless, and we aren’t sure who is who. Interactions with students are captured in a series of moments that weave together in a way that’s alternately mesmerizing, mundane, dramatic, funny and gripping.  Go Public is an amazingly ambitious, layered, moving and inspirational film. It’s a call to action for stakeholders everywhere to support public schools — because they help children succeed, for the most part, despite dwindling resources. Go Public shows us what make public schools tick — the people — and reminds us that despite challenges, there’s also a great deal to celebrate and treasure in our schools.” Read More

Check out upcoming screenings of GO PUBLIC and if you don’t see your city listed, you can bring GO PUBLIC to a theater near you through Tugg or check out our GO PUBLIC store for a variety of screening options.