Posts Tagged ‘GO PUBLIC Screenings’

GO PUBLIC Wins Honorable Mention

We are pleased to announce that GO PUBLIC won Honorable Mention at the 2016 Pasadena International Film Festival (PIFF) in March.  The film opened the festival screening at the Laemmle Theater in Pasadena, CA followed by a Q & A with the filmmakers and local educator, Dr. Abrahamson. GO PUBLIC has […]

GO PUBLIC on PBS Stations Nationwide

GO PUBLIC is currently airing on PBS stations across the nation.  Since its PBS debut, GO PUBLIC has aired 650 times, on 232 channels, in 40 states and 115 markets. IF YOU DON’T SEE YOUR LOCAL STATION LISTED…CALL AND REQUEST THEY AIR GO PUBLIC! We will keep our […]

New Haven, Denver, McLean & Greensboro

These are just a few of the places that the GO PUBLIC film has screened or will screen: Connecticut, California, Colorado, Virginia, Iowa, Illinois, North Carolina, New York.  The GO PUBLIC film is resonating with communities across the U.S.  The next screening is in Greensboro, North Carolina on […]

GO PUBLIC Benefit Screening on Jan. 22

Pasadena Educational Foundation (PEF) is hosting a TUGG benefit screening of GO PUBLIC on Wednesday, January 22nd (please see details below). This screening is raising funds for PEF’s signature Teacher Grants program. Funding for the program was previously underwritten by banking institutions that no longer exist. All donations […]

Reclaim the Promise of Public Education

December 9th was “National Day of Action” to “Reclaim the Promise of Public Education”, a day of recommitment to public schools—our nation’s gateway to democracy and racial and economic justice. GO PUBLIC screened in New Haven, Connecticut as part of their call to action to create a new […]