GO PUBLIC in conjunction with Pasadena City College co-sponsored a live webcast entitled, Myth or Reality: Public Education is Broken and Must Be Fixed. In studio guests included: Superintendent/President of Pasadena City College, Jon Gundry, Superintendent of the Pasadena Unified School District, William Wong, Gabrielino High School Math Teacher and President of the San Gabriel Teachers Union and Dr. Mikala Rahn, CEO of Learning Works Charter School and a Pasadena Unified School Board Member.
Education experts from across the country included: Dr. Stephen Schroth, Associate Professor of Educational Studies at Knox College in Illinois and former teacher in L.A. Unified, Leslie Blatteau, Social Studies Teacher in the New Haven Public Schools in Connecticut, Kimberley Lindeman Kenny, Kansas NEA Student Program President and NEA Advisory Committee for Student Members, Dot Kearns, former School Board Member and Education Commissioner in North Carolina, Dr. Yvonne Brannon, Director of the Center for Urban Affairs and Community Services at North Carolina State University and one of the founders of Public Schools First North Carolina and Bill Sherwood, retired career educator and current Davenport Community School Board of Directors.
Ninety percent of children in the United States attend public school. PCC and the GO PUBLIC producers engaged a national conversation through this webcast platform in an effort to promote a more informed dialogue about the issues facing public education in our nation.