Stefan Rhys is a product of the Pasadena Unified School District attending Eliot Middle School & Blair High School between the years of 1986 – 1991. Since then, he has been employed as a filmmaker and media professional.
Stefan’s work is diverse, and includes Independent narrative and documentary filmmaking, music videos, episodic television and video games. In 2008, CNN premiered his politically controversial music video “Don’t Vote”, a finalist in their online film festival. That same year, his production and writing talents took him into the highly successful Need For Speed franchise for E.A. Games.
His more recent work has been associated with television including the Emmy-nominated “Houston, We Have a Problem” and development of “Drift Alliance” a high-octane reality series with Unconventional Media. This year, Stefan is on track to complete his first feature screenplay, Estrañho while completing his narrative directorial debut in the short film “Dad’s Day”.