Gustavo Alonso is in the sixth grade at Eliot Middle School. He likes building robots, reads aloud from his writing journal about why money alone won’t make you happy, and plays catch with his friends at the park. Eliot Middle School Director: Dan Landin
Students »

Angel Balcazar
Angel Balcazar is a 3rd grade student at Roosevelt Elementary. He is in a wheelchair and has a condition that affects his muscle control, but he is a bright and eager child who likes art and playing with his toy cars. Roosevelt Elementary Director: Jonathan Pascual

Elizabeth “Bess” Brandow
Bess Brandow is a very busy fifth grader at Webster Elementary School. Along with keeping up with her schoolwork, Bess plays the guitar and is a Girl Scout. Webster Elementary Director: Bill Stetz

Gabriel Estrada
Gabriel Estrada is a student at Muir High School’s Business and Entrepreneurship Academy. His class projects range from creating a business portfolio to hammering nails into a running shoe to represent “irony.” Muir High School Director: Student Director Yolanda Ramirez

Samantha Gale
PHS junior Samantha Gale wakes up for school at 5:30 every morning. She works hard in her classes, volunteers as a tutor at Altadena Elementary (where her mother works), and is very involved in the Navy JROTC program. As a Cadet, Samantha learns leadership and life skills and […]

David Gieselman and Teresa Totaro
Teresa Totaro teaches 2nd grade at McKinley K-8 school. Her son, David Gieselman, also attends McKinley – and is in the second grade. McKinley K-8 Director: Beth Block

Benjamin Graves
Benjamin Graves is a junior at Rose City High School, Pasadena’s alternative high school. At Rose City, Benjamin is involved with the student leadership board and he hopes to return to Blair High School next year. Rose City High School Director: Tamir Yardenne

Abigail “Abby” Griffith
Abby Griffith and her twin are 2nd graders in San Rafael Elementary School’s Dual Language Spanish Immersion Program. She is learning how to read and write (and sing) in two languages. San Rafael Elementary Director: Rita Grant

Samantha Harris
Samantha Harris is a fifth grade student at Longfellow Elementary School. Throughout the day she practices Karate at school, plays the violin, and explains everything about Archie comics. Longfellow Elementary Director: Morgan Tucker

Kenia Loyola
Sixteen-year-old Kenia is an outstanding student who attends Muir High School’s Engineering and Environmental Science Academy, where she has the chance to work on a student-run farm and learn about growing crops and running a business. She is also involved in many campus clubs and leadership programs. Muir […]

Michelle Moreno
Michelle Moreno is a feisty, athletic Mexican-American 11th grader. She attends Blair High School’s Health Careers Academy, and is committed to joining the US Army upon graduation. Michelle is inspired by the memory of her late father, who taught her to always stand up for herself. Blair High […]

Devin Perry
Ninth grader Devin Perry attends Muir High School’s Arts, Entertainment, and Media Academy. Devin’s goal is to be the first in her family to graduate from college, and to set a good example for her younger siblings. Muir High School Director: Zack Johnson

Rosie Rutt
Little Rosie is a happy-go-lucky redhead who loves drawing with chalk, playing with her friends, and spending time with her family. She attends Sierra Madre Elementary’s K/1st Inclusion Program, where children with special needs are fully integrated into a regular classroom. Sierra Madre Elementary Director: Gina Long

Ian Short
Ian Short is an active 7th grade student who deals with the challenge of being autistic. He likes playing catch, video games, and hanging out with his classmates. Sierra Madre Middle School Director: Josh Morton

Joanna Ting
Joanna Ting, a third grader at Field Elementary School, is enrolled in the Dual Language Mandarin Immersion Program. She can read and write in two languages, and talk to her Chinese grandmother in Mandarin on the phone. Field Elementary Director: Jon Lake

Mary Ting
Mary Ting is a 7th grade student enrolled in Blair Middle School’s International Baccalaureate (IB) program. Blair Middle School Director: Student Director Logan Patton

Carolyn, Jackelyn and Marilyn Travis
Tweflth grade twins Marilyn and Jackelyn and their eighth grade sister Carolyn attend Marshall Secondary School. The girls, who spent a portion of their childhood in foster care, run the Buddy Club – a program that pairs young Marshall students with older student mentors. Marshall Secondary School Director: […]

Angelica Vargas
Angelica Vargas is a hard-working eleventh grader enrolled in Blair High School’s International Baccalaureate program. Angelica is an honors student who plays the piano and swims competitively, but her mother worries about her because she often studies late into the night. Blair High School Director: Craig Sabin

Amy Zeronian
Amy Zeronian is an 11th grade student at Marshall Fundamental High School who plays softball and volleyball. A gifted scholar and athlete, she has already accepted a scholarship to play softball in college. Amy is also involved in drama, and is running for ASB representative. Marshall Secondary School […]

Merissa Shnorhokian
Merissa Shnorhokian is a 6th grader at Wilson Middle School. She enjoys school, her friends and her robotics class. Merissa believes that public school is helping prepare her for the real world. Wilson Middle School Director: Dan Birman