Call to Action

YOU can impact your community public schools! Here are some suggestions for getting involved.

Lend your support to an aspect of education you’re passionate about, whether it is literacy, the arts, or a beautiful campus! Put your talents to work to support your community and its future. Authorization to volunteer on a campus may require some patience. Many districts have reduced administrative staff, which has affected the volunteer processing system.

Teachers often find it necessary to purchase classroom supplies out of their own pocket. Speak to the PTA of a local school to see what supplies are needed. A school may need higher-quality art supplies, books, or something as simple as printing paper. Encourage your church, community service group or neighborhood group to adopt their neighborhood school. Support your local education foundation.

Think about organizing events such as screening GO PUBLIC where community members can discuss the needs of their local school district and brainstorm solutions for budget shortages and other challenges.

Stay Informed
Get to know your school district, what programs it offers, what needs it serves, and where more help is needed. Get to know your local school board, city and state legislators, and candidates for public office. Learn about their education platforms and what action they’ve taken to support public schools. Hold them accountable for adequate funding. Stay informed about legislation affecting public schools.

Let the decision-makers in your community know what you feel should be done to support public schools. Where are the shortfalls? What can be improved? Are there any programs you strongly feel should be available in your district? Share your ideas and let your voice be heard. You can do this in a variety of ways, including writing letters or making phone calls to local representatives.

Encourage others in your community to visit their local schools before forming an opinion. Most of all, talk about the good things happening at your local public schools.