
Thank you.

Over 160 backers showed their support for GO PUBLIC by donating to our Kickstarter campaign and allowing us to reach our funding goal. We are immensely grateful for these donations as well as the efforts of so many who supported the campaign in other ways, including issuing challenge grants and spreading the word among your social networks. Your support will help us finish the feature-length GO PUBLIC documentary and allow us to spread the story of GO PUBLIC to audiences everywhere.

Our work doesn’t end here, and neither does our need for continued support. While the Kickstarter will allow us to move into the next phase, we will face additional costs once we begin to market and distribute the film. Anyone interested in donating can do so here.

As part of the Kickstarter process, GO PUBLIC produced this short video introducing the project and featuring some of the footage from the 50 Films. Though the Kickstarter campaign is done, we think the video makes a pretty good case for why this project is important and worthy of support every step of the way.

Again, a heartfelt thanks to all who’ve shown their support for GO PUBLIC.